Thursday, May 3, 2007

Spring Cleaning

Where did this idea come from? What crazy person thought that after the house was closed up all winter we should open all the windows and doors and clean every last speck of dirt and dust from the home? Logically, when you open the windows and doors, doesn't all the dust and pollen from the outside come in? Tuesday I mopped my floors and dusted the living room/dining room. It looked pretty - it sparkled. By Wednesday morning it looked like a tornado had blown through. My kids played outside and brought in the dirt on their shoes. My youngest ate dinner and breakfast and my dog has gotten picky. Mitzi won't eaten cheerios or Gerber's puffs anymore. I'm pretty sure that Jeffrey doesn't have anymore toys IN his room! So back to my original question: what purpose does Spring Cleaning serve? Can we just skip this and go to Summer where we just live in our bathing suits and eat outside???


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what the logic of that is...thanks for reminding me...I've not done mine yet!

Anonymous said...

Amen, Sista! Only I don't like the heat of summer. If we could have summers with highs in the seventies and now and then the eighties, I'd be all over that. Sorry your spring clean was short-lived.

Deanne said...

Spring cleaning? What's that?? :) I'm just trying to keep up with the day to day. But maybe it's better the other way.....clean only once a year, in the spring!

Anonymous said...

Well AMEN to that. I'm ready for summer too, where we are outside all day every day. So ready!
And thanks for asking about the church shopping. No progress so far, but we have a new one to try this week. We'll see.... :)

Trish D said...

Sounds like a great idea to me!! My hubby called me earlier this week to say he was headed home from work, and was cracking up as I told the kids they were too diry to come inside. Yep, we ate on the patio that night and then the kiddos were carried directly to the tub. We won't talk about the dirt ring they left behind!!