Sunday, September 6, 2009

Sun AM Reading

This morning I was reading Song of Solomon...and well...I have no comment on that! But I was also reading Psalm 50. A couple of verses struck me.

14 Make thankfulness your sacrifice to God.
23 But giving thanks is a sacrifice that truly honors me.

I really struggle with being thankful. It is so much easier to see the negative - the problems - than to be thankful for the good things. I thought I would end this time with a list of things I am thankful for, but even that sound difficult to do. Really, ten things and not just listing the names of the people in my house - that would be cheating! Well, here goes...

  1. clean dishes and a dishwasher
  2. a moment of quiet to be able to read my Bible in the morning
  3. the WonderPets for occupying my 3 year old while I read
  4. God's provision of food in these tight days
  5. a beautiful sunrise
  6. protection while our garage door was open all night
  7. a circle of friends that care about me, my well being, my marriage, my kids, etc
  8. my husband who is willing to sacrifice so much
  9. my kids who keep life interesting - what would I possibly do all day without them?
  10. my God - who makes life worth something!

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