Thursday, November 20, 2008

Martha, Martha, Martha

Today in Bible Study we were discussing Mary and Martha. This was the first time I really realized that the whole story is only 5 verses long. There is a lot packed in those verses! (Luke 10:38-42)

The story isn't about not being Martha. It's really about having a Mary heart. A heart that desires to sit at Jesus' feet. I don't think I'm of base saying that most of us are more like Martha. We are easily distracted. How many times have I started to have some quiet time with God, only to think of three or four things that I need to do today? How many times have I made out my shopping list on my church bulletin? Do I put off the important time with my kids even to finish one more load of laundry?

I want to say the story is about priorities, but it is more than that.

Interestingly, the parable recorded right before Mary and Martha is the Good Samaritan. Where people were too busy doing "godly" things to take care of the practical. Mary and Martha is more about being too busy doing the practical to pay attention to the godly. There has to be a balance.

Three things that the ladies said that encompass the whole point...

Don't get so busy that you miss the "Big Guy"! I loved how she called him the big guy! If you were at work and got so busy doing what you were supposed to for your boss, that you forgot to engage in conversation with your boss, your boss would not be impressed! (How's that for a major run-on sentence!) It isn't about impressing God, but He is our boss - how do we treat Him?

Remember who we are doing this for and why we are here. Oh how I wish that were said at the beginning of every ministry meeting or PTA meeting get the idea. I think I even need to remember it when I am mopping the floor! (I hate mopping the floor!) This is all about reframing our outlook. Sometimes when we are discouraged with church stuff, I have to be reminded that people's eternity is at stake. Gives a whole new perspective on taking care of the cranky three year old.

Finally, this is the first generation that is a society of human doings not human beings. We have forgotten to just be. We always have to be doing something. We have perfected multi-tasking. So this week, instead of always having something in my car to do while I wait, I am going to phone. I challenge you to try. I'll let you know what happens.

1 comment:

Elizabeth Wickland said...

We are headed to Roundup, too! We're bringing the bulk of the food, but there won't be any mass chaos at MY house and no dishes to clean up! Hooray! Maybe we'll see you there... Do you know when Tim and Nicole are coming in?