Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Physical Goals

Let me first start by saying, yes, I had a bad attitude yesterday. I am serious about my financial goals, but right now with Mike and I working three jobs between the two of us, in addition to being parents, we are tired. I feel like we have been at this for two years and I'm just not seeing a rest. I am living like no one else, but not yet living like no one else!

Alright, next goal!

I thought it was appropriate that the new season of the Biggest Loser was on last night. Part of their challenge was to complete a 5K as a team and all teams did in under one hour. I'm not sure I could do that!

Weight-loss always seems to be a goal of mine and I still struggle with how to create steps to accomplish that goal without being miserable. I know the simple less + move more! But somehow it doesn't seem that simple when you actually try.

These goals are for the next 30 days. After that I will re-evaluate and possible change goals. In this area, though, I need short term goals!

2011 Resolutions:
1. Eat less For breakfast lunch and dinner I will make sure to have color and fruit or veggie. I will have reasonable portions and no seconds. I will not eat/drink anything after 8pm except water or a half glass of wine.

2. Move more I will do some form of exercise for 30 min four times a week. One day in the next 27 days I will attempt a 5K on my treadmill and see how long it takes me. My hope is that by May I will have some tangible improvement.

I know it is not that simple, but I need to keep this area simple to start or I will give up very quickly. I miss going to a gym with a friend, but yesterday's goals are affecting today's, so no gym for now. I am thankful for the treadmill in the basement, the wii, and Jillian yelling at me through the tv! I know I do best with accountability so PLEASE feel free to ask me during these next 30 days how I am doing...I really would appreciate it!


Dina Winter said...

Way to go Jen!!! I am rooting for you!

marnmic said...

Great. Believe it or not, I ran a 5K the Saturday after Thanksgiving at the Annual "Run Your Turkey Off" race in Ohio. My time was horrible but my goal was not to WALK it, but to slog it. (Slow jog) I did it! You can do it too.
A good way is the Couch 2 5K program. If you google it you'll find the plan. They are also on Facebook and give you great fitness ideas in their posts. Good luck!